Understanding The Mission Of Kingdom Times

Understanding The Mission Of Kingdom Times

The battle of the last days, as in the beginning of time, is aimed at the control of the human mind. This is predicated on the fact that whoever or whatever controls an individual’s mind is able to control their actions, decisions and by implication, their lives.

In a world filled with rival human-generated and human-centred ideas and philosophies competing for space in our minds, Kingdom Times is coming to serve as a platform for the collective expression and the propagation of the values of the Christian Faith.

It is a non-denominational independent Christian publication dedicated to analyzing and interpreting current events in the light of the Word of God, with a view to deepening our understanding of the current times and seasons.

This medium would provide a platform for all, for the sharing and expression of the rich treasures of the WORD, resting on the belief that the Church is the only agent of God’s transformational power on earth.

Kingdom Times would project and propagate Kingdom lifestyle as opposed to the worldly, sin-filled and anti-Christ civilisations and traditions of men, packaged as entertainment, religions, philosophies and cultures, which are controlled by the prince of the power of the air.

Kingdom Times would promote and give expression to everything that is godly and capable of revealing the beauty of Christ-centred living. To this end, this publication would support, promote and project every activity that aims at advancing the frontiers of God’s Kingdom on earth and spreading the knowledge of the glory of God.

In projecting and spreading the knowledge of God, Kingdom Times would let it be known that there is no area of life that is insulated from God’s order and rule.

This flows from our belief that the Church possesses the Truth that sets mankind free from the path of eternal perdition and has the responsibility to utilise any of the most effective lawful means, including speaking and writing, as counterbalances to prevailing errors and widespread ignorance in religious circles, as well as other centres of influence in our world.

In doing all of this, Kingdom Times would be packaged professionally and in the best journalistic traditions. Effort would be made to deliver items in a simple but lucid style, able to be read on the go and as ready material for biblical meditation.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature...

2 Cor.5:17